Teen Femininity Tips

I know that there are a few teenagers out there who follow Adventures in Femininity that are interested in embracing and developing their feminine side. If this is you, there might be some content out there that may feel more mature or doesn't always feel like you can connect with at this stage in your life. Looking back at my own teen years and things I have learned or wish I knew, I have created a list of some teen femininity tips that will guide you on your femininity journey in your teen years.

1. Be ok with being different. When you are a teenager you often want to fit in in order to be well-liked and not picked on by your peers. However, if you are a teenager on her journey, you will often see that you look and think differently from your friends and classmates. In today's world, femininity is looked down upon, so you will feel out of place with those around you. This is why it is important to be ok with being different and learn how to live your life in a way where you don't care what others think of you. Learning this now will also come in handy as an adult. 

The easiest way to be ok with being different while being a teenager and without completely socially isolating yourself, is to surround yourself with other feminine teens. You can do this by joining clubs that attract more feminine girls. Like figure skating, fashion design, baking and cooking, dance (especially styles like ballet), horseback riding and painting, just to name a few.

2. Don't tell everyone about your journey. Realize that you don't need to share every goal or change you are trying to make in your life. Some people may not agree, understand or even try to tear you down as you go along on this journey so learn to move in silence. 

3. Learn to stand up for yourself. As I mentioned earlier, becoming a more feminine woman will attract negative people who think your journey is silly or assume you're weak, so you may need to learn to stand up for yourself. The first step in learning to stand up for yourself is to be confident. You need to have a strong understanding of who you are if you don't want others to deter or tear you down. In a later point, I get into ways to build self-esteem, in addition to that, in order to build confidence try learning and mastering a new skill, monitor your progress and growth, and learn not to care what others think. Remember that nothing will change overnight, but your confidence will grow in time and the more confident you are in yourself the easier it will be for you to stand up for yourself.

4. Don't give in to peer pressure. Don't feel like you have to do things you don't want to do. This can include dating, having sex or using drugs. Stick by your morals, standards and boundaries. Learning how to stand up or speak up for yourself will help you turn away from peer pressures. Also, learn how to be assertive and say no in a way that is final and others will not question.

5. Don't feel pressured to date. Don't feel like you have to date someone either because you feel like everyone around you is dating, due to societal pressure,  or because you are embarrassed by your lack of experience. Take this time to get to know yourself and really be picky with who you want to date. If you are going to date, date someone who is kind, treats you well, respects you and your boundaries and has goals for themselves. Don't start the habit of entering into toxic relationships. Know what you want now and in the future for yourself and from a relationship. Create a list of boundaries you have and refuse to allow someone to move or cross them. 

6. Work on building up your self-esteem. Being in your teen years is often the worst time on your self-esteem. Don't spend too much time on social media, don't compare yourself to others, repeat positive affirmations to yourself every morning in the mirror, identify and challenge negative thoughts you have about yourself and take time to work on your appearance, I don't want you to obsess over your looks or try to look like something you are not, but wearing clothes and doing your hair in a way that you like that makes you feel confident and happy, will help increase your self-esteem. The key is to make sure you are happy with how you look and make sure you are not doing it for someone else or to fit in with everyone else. 

7. Work on your hygiene. Shower regularly, create a routine to keep up with body scrubs, nail care, get travel-sized deodorant and perfume/body spray to carry in your bag to school if you need it, especially if you are taking gym classes or doing sports. When it comes to perfume don't make the mistake that so many other teenagers make of applying too much. Keep a period kit in your bag with pads, tampons, wipes and medicine for cramps (if your parents allow it). Also, don't fall into the trap of thinking your vagina needs to smell like a flower. Regularly washing it with water and soap on the outside will be enough. If you are experiencing strong smells down there that are concerning to you ask your parents to book an appointment with a doctor to get it checked out.

8. Try building a supportive network of female friends who provide support and who you enjoy being around. Let go of toxic, complex friendships and nurture any healthy friendships you develop now past your teen years and into your adult life because making friends as an adult is very difficult and often disheartening, so don't take for granted the friends you have now.

Let me know down in the comments if you have any other tips to share on femininity for teenagers or young women!


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