Masculine Behaviours to Stop Now

If you are serious about embracing your femininity, it's important to stop certain masculine behaviours that have become ingrained, and you believe you have to partake in. So here are 5 behaviours typically characterized as being masculine that feminine women should stop doing all the time. 

1, Being Loud and Aggressive: Stop being overly loud and aggressive. This can mean being overly aggressive when it comes to dating, (things like taking a more forceful approach to planning dates or chasing a man for his attention). The way you dress may be loud and aggressive if you constantly wear tight, short and overly revealing clothing.  Also, the way you interact with people, men and women, can also be loud and aggressive. Quality men tend not to be attracted to overly loud and very aggressive women. They may label them as difficult, ratchet or extra. This is especially dangerous for us black women who are often stereotyped into these behaviours. Typically, you attract what you put out there. So if you are unnecessarily loud and aggressive for no reason all the time, you will attract someone like that as well.

2. Trying to Be One of the Guys: Stop trying to be one of the guys. Often, when a woman tries to engage in this type of behaviour she is trying desperately hard to impress a guy and get his attention. When you try to become one of the guys for this reason, you begin to act more like them and lose your feminine side. You can also find yourself being friend-zoned by a guy you like if he sees you are one of the guys. A lot of women unfortunately also think that being one of the guys makes them better, or more attractive and desirable than other women.  In fact, it makes you look more insecure when you feel you need to put on a front and can't just be yourself.

3. Being Overly Competitive: Stop being overly competitive and consistently trying to compete with other men and women. Whether that means you are competing with other women for a man's attention, trying to be seen as prettier than other women or competing with men to see who is more successful, who has more money or something frivolous like who can drink more alcohol. 

4. Not Asking for Help: Stop thinking that you have to do everything on your own to prove that you are a strong and independent woman. It is not only ok, but it is beneficial to ask for help and have others share some of your burdens. It frees up some of your time, allows you to get things done faster and you don't have to stress or worry about completing your tasks. 

5. Taking the Lead in Dating: Stop taking the lead when it comes to dating. Take a step back from directing every conversation, planning every date and initiating all contact. Rest in your femininity and live to enjoy your life. If a man really is interested in you, he will show up and be present in the dating process. He won't go days before contacting you to go out and do something, he will ask questions to get to know you more and he will plan quality dates to take you on. 


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