5 Reasons Why You Attract Dusty Men
1. You Dress Too Revealing: One reason you attract dusty, low quality men is because you dress too sexy. You show too much skin and wear clothes that are too revealing. Especially during occasions where being overly sexy is considered inappropriate. The reason this attracts dusty men is because they assume they can get sex easily from you. Whether you mean to or not, and whether you are or not, you are communicating to these types of men that you are easy and promiscuous. So, you'll attract men who just want to have sex. Most respectable men are not going to be attracted to someone who lets everything hang out. They may also think you are not someone to date seriously, so they avoid you when you look like this.
2. You Dress Like a Bum: Besides dressing too sexy, dressing like a bum can also attract dusty, low quality men. Dressing like a bum is when you wear unflattering, overly comfortable clothes like sweats, clothes that may be old, stained, oversized or ripped. Like I mentioned before, the way you dress communicates to others the kind of person you may be. When you dress like a bum, you communicate to men that you are low quality. You don't care to take care of yourself, so you'll attract men who don't care to take care of you.
3. You Always Put Yourself in Places Where Dust Gathers: If you have read any of my other blog posts then you know how important location is when it comes to meeting the right kind of man. So of course location is also important when it comes to avoiding certain kinds of men. If you live in an area or hang out in places where low value men are, these are the types of men you will attract. These areas include places like poor neighbourhoods, low quality bars or even some chain restaurants. If you are on your level up journey and you are starting to dress nicer but still live in a poorer neighbourhood, you will probably attract dusty men that think you have money and are looking to take advantage. To avoid this, especially if you can't afford to move, go hang out in nicer neighbourhoods. Do your grocery shopping there, go to the gyms there, and go to the restaurants and malls there. Basically start putting yourself in areas where there are nicer, higher quality men.
4. You Have Dusty Friends: You have dusty friends who have dusty boyfriends, so your social circle is all dust, you are surrounded by a cloud of dust. Your social circle plays a major role in your dating life, because according to research, around 30% of heterosexual couples meet through mutual friends. When you have toxic, low value, drama-filled friends, the people they will bring you around and introduce you to, are likely to be toxic and drama-filled as well. It is also hard to date better when you are surrounded by people who date low quality men. Like I mentioned in the 3rd point, it's important to put yourself in nicer areas to attract higher quality men. The opposite is also true putting yourself in low quality areas with low quality people, will attract low quality men.
5. You Have Low Self-Esteem: Low self-esteem is a magnet for dusty, low quality and even abusive men. What a lot of people don't realize is when you have low self-esteem it shows. It shows from the way you carry yourself, the way you dress, how you speak to others, and how you speak about yourself around others. When you are unable to take a compliment, are always comparing yourself to others, or if you are always self deprecating, you are communicating to others that you have low self-esteem. Dusty men prey on women with low self-esteem because they see them as easy to take advantage of. They know they can treat you however they want because you will allow it. You will never leave because you believe this is the best you can do. If you want to avoid dusty men, you need to work on increasing your self-esteem and self worth. Take the time to identify and challenge your negative beliefs about yourself. Spend time everyday making a list of positive attributes you have of yourself. Work on your physical appearance, whether that means dressing better, learning to do your makeup and hair, or losing weight. Learn to say no and stand up for yourself. And go to a counsellor or therapist if you have deeper issues that cause your low self-esteem and need professional help working through them. These are just some ways to improve your self-esteem and stop attracting dusty men.
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